Tag Archive for: feng shui

In these times of intense climate change, and geo-political instability, I’m finding it imperative to do a tremendous amount of self-care, in every single way these days. I’m doing intensive practice at my mountain retreat home as much as I possibly can, and I’m living there halftime now. I’m committing to a minimum of four hours a day of formal meditation practice in addition to all kinds of wellness practices.

I feel blessed and fortunate to be able to carve out a few hours a day of “me time” and that is requiring the sacrifice of being plugged into the Siren Call of the internet so often. It’s very hard to peel myself away from endless Youtube dharma talks, and pining for incessant Likes on social media and schmoozing with faux friends. I was just talking with my close Dharma community that we all have a problem with our modern consensual e-addiction, that is really wasting our short and precious life and preventing us from doing our meditation practice, and really living well.

I just got back from receiving a treatment with a rare woman clinical Chigong master, where she’s in between a Shaman and a Reiki master, and can clear out blocked energy in my mind, body and heart. She’s the closest relationship I have to an Obi-Wan like teacher and she tells me that it’s really important to keep positive Chi flowing in our lives called Sheng Chi.

Do you know how good it feels after you open the windows and carefully clean your home? After you take a warm shower and rub your body with some really nice moisturizing lotion? How do you feel after you eat colorful, living food with a lot of nutrient density? All of these things that we do that enhance positive life flow with living energy is called Sheng Chi. 

On the other hand, when we let our homes get dirty: all the dishes left out, piles of laundry, we don’t eat living foods and take care of our heart and mind, things can degrade and turn into what the Taoists call Sha, or Sha Chi; it is depleted energy.

What then can we do? Maximizing Sheng Chi, while minimizing stagnant, degraded Sha Chi in our lives, could make an enormous difference, not only in our homes but also in our general well-being and relationships. As I have been studying the principles of energy and some Chigong and Feng Shui, I came to realize that everything in life should be aimed at allowing positive life force energy to flow and thus beauty, balance and harmony. Following are ten ways I find really effective in enhancing positive energy- Sheng Chi-while reducing the negative- Sha Chi-of my home and environment.

1. Deep Clean Regularly

Cleanliness is the base of good Feng Shui. I find that deep cleaning actually rejuvenates my house and uplifts my spirit. Every time I clean up clutter and scrub, I feel lighter and more connected with the energy surrounding me. It is like a spiritual cleanse that invites positive energy into my space.

2. Nourish with Good Food

What I eat directly feeds into or drains my vitality. Processed or dead foods create Sha Chi in my body. When I focus on fresh, whole foods, I find my mood improves and I feel more alive. The direct link to diet and energy is so deep-clean eating fuels my life force.

3. Soak Up Morning Sunlight

I love the first morning sun. I even readjusted my furniture arrangement so that I would not block sunlight from coming inside and filling the house with its warmth, in fact, I plunked my main couch right in front of the master windows, not in front of a TV or computer screen! Sunlight is pure Sheng Chi; it revitalizes both my space and my spirit. A simple shift, yet it makes a world of difference.

4. Bring Nature Indoors

Add greenery- plants can perk up a stagnant corner of a room. A simple fountain water feature, and of course my calming and purring cats in my home really enhanced the Sheng Chi. I just love how vibrant the greenery and flowers are, as well as the soothing sounds water can make. It is so conducive to just relaxation and even joy. This sacred, nurturing mandala of space provides a solace in a world that can be intensely challenging.

5. Use Mirrors and Art

Actually, the mirrors can be regarded as very powerful Feng Shui enhancers. I put flat mirrors where necessary to reflect the beauty of nature from the outside and then enhance the beauty of the Sheng Chi inside my space, of course, always careful that the reflection doesn’t catch any negativity. The concave type reflects inward, absorbing negative Sha Chi energy; convex types will deflect it. Place inspiring art on blank walls.

6. Skylights

Natural light carries tremendous energy. I have installed two skylights in my home to bring in more light and cosmic chi indoors. They are really amazing and cost-effective. I often times don’t have to turn on the light in the kitchen or the bathroom in the morning because the skylight provides so much naturally. Aside from lighting, this allows for the raising of the energy in the space by giving it a more open and embracing feeling. I hope to soon build a yurt on my property that has a central skylight!

7. Ventilate and Refresh

Opening windows to bring in fresh air is done daily. Temperature and light are regulated by the flow of air, and both are essential elements that complete the effectiveness of maximizing Sheng Chi. When it is invigorating, I can often feel the difference in energy after a good airing.

8. Use Natural Fibers

This quest for detoxing from chemicals has led me to use mostly all natural fibers in my bedding and furniture. It not only feels better, but it also cradles the flow of energy in my body. I use a fluffy and soft natural latex topper– Amazing!


9. Curve with Grace

Working open spaces and curves into my decor seems to invite in a smoother flow of Sheng Chi. Nature is inherently curvilinear, and by emulating those forms in furniture and layout, I can build positive energy in my home. I also ditched the coffee table so that I can use my living room for morning yoga.

10. Use Sound Wisely

Wind chimes are beautiful regulation tools for the flow of energy. The subtle sounds that emanate from these ornaments have a force that may help to decelerate the sharper energies of Sha Chi. In fact, I have them in strategic spots to create a tranquil atmosphere that regulates the flow of energy across my home. I suggest not getting really loud wind times because they can be disturbing when the wind is blowing harder. If you can’t stand clanking wind-chimes, then play some soothing Native American Flute music or some soundscapes have something that feels healing and calming to the soul.



Feng Shui is not just the act of placing furniture; it is a process of creating an environment that is in harmony to support all aspects of living. By applying these ten strategies, I try to create a home full of Sheng Chi with minimal Sha Chi to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. All of this external positive energy and clearing, can affect your mind, your heart and your well-being and thus your relationships. You may find that life becomes more joyful, you have more loving and positive relationships with others, and each moment becomes truly meaningful. As the famous quote* from one of my favorite book/films of all time by Christopher McCandless goes:

“Happiness is only real when shared.”

Each of the steps not only enhances the home but also nurtures the spirit, proving that when we connect with this real, living, positive life force energy, we truly can thrive.

photo credit: https://www.pexels.com/@tuan-nguyen-1736874441/

*Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer